106 East 18th Street, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Regular Hours
Tuesday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Closed - Monday
Noe Palomares, The Hidden Dali, mixed media
Cerelia Barrios, Self Portrait, oil
Hannah Janis, The Darkness, pastel
Nancie Riesen, Marvin, graphite, 2013
Cerelia Barrios, For our Water Protectors, oil
Sara Gingerich, A Breathe of Nature, pastel
Hannah Janis, Ghost of the Sun, pastel, 2016
Sara Gingerich, The Black of Still Life, charcoal, 2016
Noe Palomares, My Three Loves, colored pencil
Sara Gingerich, A Little Bit of Me, color pencil, 2016
Nancie Reisen, Summer's End, graphite, 2016
Noe Palomares, The Dark Side of Corn, graphite
Nancie Reisen, Evening Swim, watercolor
Cerelia Barrios, Sherlock, oil
Sara Gingerich, Alter Ego, mixed media
Noe Palomares, The Opposite of Beginning, colored pencil
Nancie Reisen, India, colored pencil, collage, 2016
Cerelia Barrios, Hijo del Sol (Child of the Sun), oil
Cerelia Barrios, My Armadillo, oil
Noe Palomares, The Small Points of Patience, ink