106 East 18th Street, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Regular Hours
Tuesday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Closed - Monday
Jeanie Schlump, A Retrospective
Jeanie Schlump (center) with guests
Textured Tanker, pastel
Rising Phoenix, acrylic
Cross Contour, pastel
Storm Warning, pastel
Ghost Train, pastel, etched glass
Boom!, acrylic
Winter Serenity, pastel
Oasis, pastel
Coming Home, acrylic
Beneath the Surface, watercolor
Sage, pastel
Radials & Radii, oil
Fantaflora, watercolor
Threading the Needle, pastel
Peeling Orange, acrylic
Cacti, watercolor
Grape Nuts, acrylic
G Cutler, acrylic
Sage, acrylic
Pioneer Snowfence, print