106 East 18th Street, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Regular Hours
Tuesday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Closed - Monday
Best of Show, Mary Ellen Neff, Cascade, encaustic, 2015
Honorable Mention, Christina Armstrong, Perspective, color pencil, 2016
Honorable Mention, Mary P. Donahue, Cairn: San Juan River, Utah, oil, 2015
Janet M. Nelson, Rose Colored Glasses, acrylic, 2016
President's Choice, Viktoria Sigrun, Splash Dimensions I, acrylic, 2015
Rolf Gerdau, Fly's Eye View of the Monument, acrylic, artist's markers, 2016
Tom Perkins II, Eye of the Beholder, acrylic, 2016
Peg Fowler, Double Vision, acrylic on double sided screen, 2016
Becky Hohnstein, Western Nebraska Rocks, digital photograph, 2016
Peg Fowler, Double Vision, acrylic on double-sided screen, 2016
Parker Smith, Old Rugged Cross, wood, 2012
Michael Ramirez, Sea Crane in Sunset, pastel, 2016
Francisco Chavez, Mystic Road, acrylic, 2016
Doris C. Holloway, Hollyhocks, digital photography, 2015
Francisco Chavez, Dancing Bird Lady, acrylic, 2016
LeTisha B. Smith, Thunder and Lightening, acrylic, 2016
Ron Kephart, Starry Starkist Night, mixed media, 2016
Charla Herbert, Sunflowers on Blue, oil, 2016
Mary P. Donahue, Spirit Tree IV: Fort Robinson, Nebraska, pastel, 2015
MelloDe McCart, Nizhoni, pastel, colored pencil, inks, 2016
Rolf Gerdau, Something about Rachel, acrylic, artist's markers, 2016
John Perkins, Branded, 3-D computer render, 2016
Richard Schaneman, Extravagant Adornment, digital photograph, 2016
Charla Herbert, Coloring the Roots, oil, 2016
Gretchen Peters, Fringed and Flamboyant, colored pencil, 2015
Kim Cantrell, Curiosity, mixed media, 2004
Laurie Stricker-Jones, Seeing Security, colored pencil, 2015
Richard Schaneman, Claudito, Mi Mexicanito, digital photograph, 2016
John Perkins, Greatness, 3-D computer render, 2015
Traci Wilkes, Look at it This Way, acrylic, gold leaf, ink, 2016
Christina Armstrong, Rattus Norvegicus Gemmeus, brown rat skull, Swarovski jewels, 2016
Dan Lewis, Molly, photograph, 2014
Parker Smith, Wild Imagination, wood, 2016
Janet M. Nelson, Don't Make Me Mad, acrylic, 2016
Becky Hohnstein, Camouflage Tiger, digital photograph, 2016
Emma Jean Stricker, Family Outing, colored pencil, pastel, 2016
Doris C. Holloway, Busy Bee, digital photograph, 2016
Mildred Wright, Patterned Effect, photograph, 2016
Kaaren C. Grimminger, A Bending Branch Opens the Way to the Peaceful Setting, digital photograph, 2016
Kaaren C. Grimminger, Good Eatin', Not Beauty to Cattle, digital photograph, 2016
Christina Eitzman, Teton Horses, oil, 2016
Jo Haslow, Dance of the Silks, watercolor, 2016
Joy Price, Inside Out, oil, 2016
Joy Price, On the Wall , oil, 2016
Emma Jean Stricker, Seeing Arrogance, charcoal, pastel, 2016
Mildred Wright, Transition, acrylic, 2016
Christina Eitzman, Patty's Horses, oil, 2016
Laurie Stricker-Jones, Seeing Love, charcoal, 2016
Michael Ramirez, Eagle Elk, pastel, 2015
Roger Hill, Sandhill Courtship, metal sculpture, 2016
Dan Lewis, The Rock in Lavender, photograph, 2014